This version of ``An Atlas of the Sunspot Spectrum from 470 to 1233 cm-1 (8.1 to 21 microns) and the Photospheric Spectrum from 460 to 630 cm-1 (16 to 22 microns)'' (N.S.O. Technical Report #1994-01, May 1994) by L. Wallace, W. Livingston and P. Bernath, is meant to be used in conjunction with the original hard-copy version, and the caveats in the text of that version apply here equally. The first part of the sunspot section of the atlas (from 470 to 630 cm-1) is given in ascii files each covering 12 cm-1 plus 0.2 cm-1 overlap on each end. Each file contains two spectra, the reference spectrum and the umbral spectrum, and is named ``irspxxxx'' where xxxx is the wavenumber of the beginning of the main 12 cm-1 section in the file. Thus the file irsp0594 covers the region 594 to 606 cm-1 plus some overlap. The first column contains the wavenumber, the second has the reference spectrum and the third has the umbral spectrum. The second part of the sunspot section (720 to 1233 cm-1) is given in files covering 6 cm-1 plus 0.2 cm-1 overlap. In these files the first column gives wavenumber, the second and third give the corrected umbral spectra of 04/07/81 and 03/04/82 respectively, the fourth gives the reference spectrum and the fifth gives the observed umbral spectrum of 03/04/82. These files also have the names ``irspxxxx''. The photospheric section is given in the files ``irphxxxx'' each covering 12 cm-1 plus 0.2 cm-1 overlap. The first column contains the frequency and the second contains the sum of the eight spectra. All of the spectra in these files have been processed so that no adjustment has been made to set the continuum levels at approximately unity; the intensity level in each file is continuous with that in the adjacent files. For convenience however, the first line in each file contains, centered over the appropriate columns of spectral data, approximate continuum levels for these spectra in the frequency range of the file. The occurrence of "-1." in the corrected spectral files represents a failure in the correction process corresponding to gaps in the hard-copy version.