CDROM/AJ/V112/P1188 Emission-Line Candidates (Beers+ 1996) ================================================================================ Additional Emission-Line Candidates from the HK Survey Timothy C. Beers, Silvia Rossi, Dagny Ulrich, and Ronald Wilhelm <1996, AJ, 112, 1188> =1996AJ....112.1188B ================================================================================ Abstract: We present a list of 218 additional candidate emission-line objects discovered with the northern and southern HK interference-filter/ objective-prism survey of Beers and collaborators. The objects have apparent magnitudes in the range 10 <= B <= 16, several magnitudes fainter than obtained with previous prism surveys of similar resolution. Of the new candidates, 73 have been previously identified. The total list of HK-survey emission-line candidates now numbers 376 objects, 104 of which were noted by previous surveys. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- table1.dat 78 218 Emission-line candidates from the HK survey -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-12 A12 --- Star Plate and star number 13 A1 --- n_Star *[*] Note if previous identification 14 1X --- --- Blank 15-16 A2 --- BC *Brightness classification code 17-19 I3 h RAh Right Ascension, epoch 2000.0 20-22 I3 min RAm R.A. 23-27 F5.1 s RAs R.A. 28 1X --- --- Blank 29 A1 --- DE- Declination sign 30-31 I2 deg DEd Declination, epoch 2000.0 32-34 I3 arcmin DEm Dec. 35-37 I3 arcsec DEs Dec. 38-43 F6.1 deg GLon Galactic longitude 44-49 F6.1 deg GLat Galactic latitude 50 1X --- --- Blank 51-78 A28 --- Comment *Comments on the emission detected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes for file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- n_Star: Asterisk, "*", if present indicates a previous identification is available. More information about previous identifications can be found in Table 2 of the printed paper (not included here) BC: very bright (vb); bright (b); medium bright (mb); medium (m); medium faint (mf); faint (f); and very faint (vf). Comment: Description of the nature of the detected emission are in three broad groups: weak (wk), moderate (mod), and strong (str), corresponding to the strength of the emission feature relative to the surrounding continuum. Spectra with emission apparent in the cores of the Ca II H and K absorption features are noted as "core" emission objects. Spectra with variable emission lines, which means the strength of the emission appeared to vary across the 90-minute exposure, are noted as "var." Balmer emission refers to emission lines detected at the location of the H-8 Balmer line, which is just visible at the blue edge of the spectra, and occasionally, for exceptionally strong emission, even in the Halpha line, which is redward of the nominal filter cutoff. Objects with emission which did not appear to fall at the location of the Ca II HK features, or Balmer features are noted as "others." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ (End) Lee Brotzman [ADS] 09-Oct-1996