1 0003+199 slight nebulosity. 2 0044+030 double, N object may be slightly elongated on POSS-E. 3 0119+229 confusing object is possibly a foreground galaxy. 4 0142+168 slight nebulosity. 5 0149+137 SN?; no object with listed magnitude at this position. 6 0157+001 edges softer than surrounding stars, slight irregular shape on both E and O. 7 0842+162 lenticular but confusion with foreground stars. 8 0906+484 possible faint surrounding nebulosity. 9 0921+525 confusion with starlike object to northeast. 10 1048+342 clearly elongated. 11 1115+080 four-lobed on O print. 12 1115+407 confusion less distinct on O, associated nebulosity blends into side of object. 13 1202+281 confused object to west, no nebulosity on source, but many faint objects nearby; confusion is much less noticable on POSS-O. 14 1206+459 many faint sources nearby, nebulosity absent on POSS-O. 15 1216+069 nearby object to southwest. 16 1222+228 oblong compared to nearby stars. 17 1223+487 very irregular. 18 1256+351 nucleus significantly offset in large extended galaxy. 19 1307+085 significantly brighter on POSS-O. 20 1358+043 sharp edges, though not completely spherical. 21 1427+480 slightly oblong. 22 1440+356 slight nebulosity on POSS-E is absent on POSS-O. 23 1448+355 some nebulosity but hard edges on nucleus. 24 1452+132 no nebulosity, kidney bean shape. 25 1501+106 definitely spherical but edges less sharp compared to surrounding objects. 26 1522+101 nebulosity to the north; possible foreground galaxy from Zwicky Cluster 1524.5+1006. 27 1534+580 confusing object is starlike. 28 1535+547 very faint nebulosity. 29 1612+261 confusing object is irregular. 30 1613+658 spherical but with soft edges. 31 1715+535 elliptical. 32 2308+098 E print quaility poor, many objects could be nebulous. 33 2329+286 elongated, possible nebulosity.