CDROM/PASP/V107/P0617 Catalog of Youngest YSOs and Protostars (Pollanen+ 1995) ================================================================================ A Catalog of the Youngest YSOs and Candidate Protostars Marco D. Pollanen & P. A. Feldman <1995, PASP, 107, 617> =1995PASP..107..617P ================================================================================ Abstract: We have compiled a catalog of candidate protostars from the major astronomical journals up to the end of 1993. The Belchman- Ichikawa color criterion was used as the main test of an author's claim that a source should be deemed a candidate protostar. Names, positions (1950 and 2000), LSR velocities, information on whether there are associated outflows, and references are provided. This catalog is meant to update an earlier compilation by Wynn-Williams (1982). Description: The catalogue is not in a format that is able to be converted to FITS format. There are several overlapping fields and multiple records for each object, which make it difficult to place the catalogue in a uniform record format and preserve the original information. The original format, as supplied by the author, has been maintained for this catalogue. Data records for each object are separated by a single blank line. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File Name Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- table1.dat 75 722 Catalogue of the youngest YSOs and candidate protostars table1.ref 80 109 References to the catalogue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-13 A13 --- Name *Source name, alternate name in parens 14-27 A14 --- IRAS *IRAS name 28-39 A12 --- EQ1950 *1950 equatorial coordinates 40 1X --- --- Blank 41-52 A12 --- EQ2000 *2000 equatorial coordinates 53-64 A12 km/s Vel_LSR Local-standard-of-rest velocity 65 1X --- --- Blank 66 A1 --- Outflow *[YNP- ] Information about outflow 67-68 2X --- --- Blank 69-75 A7 --- Ref *Reference code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes for file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Object name as given in the reference. Alternate names are listed in following records in parentheses. An asterisk in the name field indicates the name was taken from the IRAS catalogue. IRAS: Designation from the IRAS Point Source Catalogue with a few exceptions. IRAS source names are listed when they are given explicitly in the reference and/or are widely known and used. EQ1950, EQ2000: Equatorial coordinates are "stacked" with the right ascension on the first data record for the object, and the declination on the next record. Coordinates are formatted in colon-delimited sexigesimal notation, e.g. hh:mm:ss.s. The precision of the coordinates varies. An asterisk in the coordinate field indicates the coordinate was taken from the IRAS catalogue. Outflow: Y an outflow was observed to be associated with the source N an outflow was not found P an outflow was observed but it remains unclear whether the outflow is associated with the source - No information on outflow is available Ref: Reference codes to the paper(s) from which the information was extracted. The reference for each line applies to all the information on that line with the exception of the items marked with an asterisk (*), which were obtained directly from the IRAS catalogue. See table1.ref for the complete references. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.ref -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 6 A6 --- Ref Reference code. If blank, Text is a continuation from the previous record 7 1X --- --- Blank 8-80 A73 --- Text Reference text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ (End) Lee Brotzman [ADS] 07-Nov-1995