% TABLE1.TEX -- AASTeX sample table 1. \documentstyle[aj_pt]{article} \begin {document} % The following gobbledygook is done so that this particular table % paginates in a way that "looks nice" regardless of whether apjpt % or aj_pt styles are chosen. The \tablebreak commands that appear % after some of the lines force page breaks when the apjpt style is % selected, but act simply as line delimiters for aj_pt. \makeatletter \def\jnl@aj{AJ} \ifx\revtex@jnl\jnl@aj\let\tablebreak=\nl\fi \makeatother % From here on, the file contains tabular data as an author might % prepare it. \tablenum{1D} \begin{planotable}{lcrrrrrrccrrrlrl} \tablewidth{0pc} \tablecaption{Additional stars} \tablehead{ \colhead{name} & \colhead{} & \colhead{} & \colhead{$\alpha$} & \colhead{2000} & \colhead{} & \colhead{$\delta$} & \colhead{} & \colhead{Src.} & \colhead{M$_V$} & \colhead{r} & \colhead{$\epsilon_r$} & \colhead{dist.} & \colhead{$V_r$} & \colhead{Sp}} \startdata RE0618+75 & & 6& 18& 10.2& 75& 6& 49& 3& 9.99& 21.0& 30&Sp & -28.3 & M 1.5 \nl GJ 1285& & 23& 31& 7.5& -2& 45& 0& 3& 13.66& 29.2& 9&$\pi$ & -19.8& M 4.5 \nl Gl 129 & & 3& 13& 44.7& 18& 50& 37& 2& 11.70& 32.4& 8&$\pi$ &-105.8 & K 5\tablenotemark{c} \nl LP855-60\tablenotemark{d} & & 13& 44& 0.0&-26& 18& 0& 3& 12.10& 19.1& 29&Sp &-42.9& M 3.5 \nl BRI0021-0214\tablenotemark{e}& & 0& 24& 21.4&-2& 31& 29& 2& 18.31& 13.8& 3&$\pi$ & 16.0& M 9.5 \tablenotemark{f} \nl \tablenotetext{a}{from Jefferies et al, 1993 - binary system} \tablenotetext{b}{Bond's flare star from Greenstein, 1977} \tablenotetext{c}{Strong CaH - probable halo subdwarf} \tablenotetext{d}{from Brosch \& Goldberg, 1994} \tablenotetext{e}{from Irwin et al, 1991} \tablenotetext{f}{spectral type from Kirkpatrick et al, 1995} \tablecomments{ dist - indicates whether the distance estimate is based on a trigonometric parallax measurement or on our spectroscopic data; \nl $V_r$ - the radial velocity derive from our spectroscopy.} \end{planotable} \end {document}