% Print using pstex.4 -o landscape \documentstyle[apjpt]{article} \hoffset -0.4truein \voffset -0.56truein \textheight 7.5truein \textwidth 10.0truein \pagestyle{headings} \newcommand{\er}{\mbox{$\pm$}} \newcommand{\sam}{UVSX sample} % \newcommand{\usam}{UVSX SAMPLE} % \newcommand{\uother}{OTHER ``IPC''} % \newcommand{\other}{other ``IPC''} % \newcommand{\pp}{\mbox{$^{\prime\prime}$}} \newcommand{\hd}[1]{\phantom{#1}} \newcommand{\mct}[3]{\multicolumn{#1}{#2}{#3}} \newcommand{\ml}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{l}{#1}} \newcommand{\mr}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{r}{#1}} % % \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \begin{document} \setcounter{page}{75} \begin{planotable}{lllllll} \tablenum{17} \tablewidth{6.0in} \tablecaption{BOLOMETRIC CORRECTIONS} \tablehead{ \colhead{}& \colhead{Median}& \colhead{Mean, Sigma}& \colhead{Min}&\colhead{Max} } \startdata $L_{Bol}/L_{2500\AA}$&5.6&6.3\er3.1&2.4 &16.7\\ $L_{Bol}/L_{B}$& 10.7&11.8\er4.3 &5.5 &24.7\\ $L_{Bol}/L_{V}$&13.2&14.2\er5.1 &7.1 &29.3\\ $L_{Bol}/L_{1.5\mu m}$&24.8 &25.5\er8.4&9.3&41.9\\ \\ $L_{UVOIR}/L_{2500\AA}$&3.5 & 4.2\er2.6 & 1.2 & 14.0\\ $L_{UVOIR}/L_{B}$&6.8 &7.6\er3.5 & 4.1 & 22.4\\ $L_{UVOIR}/L_{V}$&8.1 & 9.2\er3.9& 4.9 & 22.7\\ $L_{UVOIR}/L_{1.5\mu m}$&15.5 &16.1\er5.3 & 8.3 & 28.5\\ \\ $L_{Ion}/L_{Bol}$ & 0.32 & 0.32\er0.13 & 0.07 & 0.66\\ $N_{Ion}R/L_{Bol}$ &0.12 & 0.11\er0.04 & 0.02 & 0.18\\ $L_{Ion}/N_{Ion}R$ &2.8 & 3.0\er0.8 & 1.7 & 4.8\\ \tablecomments{ Bolometric correction factors for UV, visible and infrared monochromatic luminosities. Monochromatic luminosities are defined to be the value of $\nu L(\nu)$ in the rest frame. Mean and standard deviation are given, followed by the minimum and maximum values found in the sample. Errors in the determination of individual energy distributions have been ignored for the purposes of this table. Also listed are estimates of the ionizing flux discussed in the text.} \end{planotable} \end{document}