% Print using pstex.4 -o landscape \documentstyle[apjpt]{article} \hoffset -0.4truein \voffset -0.56truein \textheight 7.5truein \textwidth 10.0truein \pagestyle{headings} \newcommand{\er}{\mbox{$\pm$}} \newcommand{\sam}{UVSX sample} % \newcommand{\usam}{UVSX SAMPLE} % \newcommand{\uother}{OTHER ``IPC''} % \newcommand{\other}{other ``IPC''} % \newcommand{\pp}{\mbox{$^{\prime\prime}$}} % % \begin{document} \setcounter{page}{65} \begin{planotable}{llll} \tablenum{11} \tablewidth{5.0in} \tablecaption{MAGNITUDE SCALE ZERO POINTS\tablenotemark{a}} \tablehead{ %------------------- 1st row ---------------------- \colhead{Band} & \colhead{Reference $\lambda$} & \colhead{Zero pt (Jy)} & \colhead{Zero pt (Jy)} \\ %---------------- 2nd row ------------------------ \colhead{ } & \colhead{($\mu$m)} & \colhead{(Vega)} & \colhead{($\alpha=1$)} \\ } \startdata U & 0.36 & 1317 & 1779\\ B & 0.44 & 4333 & 4047\\ V & 0.54 & 3647 & 3536 \\ R & 0.70 & 2791 & 2869 \\ I & 0.90 & 1871 & 2339 \\ J & 1.25 & 1567 & 1657 \\ H & 1.65 & 1016 & 1053 \\ K & 2.20 & 687 & 710 \\ N34& 3.40& 325 & 321\\ L'& 3.80 & 256 & 270\\ M & 4.8 & 161 & 167\\ N & 10.1 & 39 & 38\\ Q & 20.25 & 9.8 & 11\\ \tablenotetext{a}{The zero points correspond to a system in which the magnitude of Vega is exactly zero. Values are given for an object with the same spectrum as Vega and for an object with a flat energy distribution (power law spectrum $F_\nu\sim\nu^{-\alpha}$ of slope unity). } \end{planotable} \end{document}