% Print using pstex.4 -o landscape \documentstyle[apjpt]{article} \hoffset -0.4truein \voffset -0.56truein \textheight 7.5truein \textwidth 10.0truein \pagestyle{headings} \newcommand{\er}{\mbox{$\pm$}} \newcommand{\sam}{UVSX sample} % \newcommand{\usam}{UVSX SAMPLE} % \newcommand{\uother}{OTHER ``IPC''} % \newcommand{\other}{other ``IPC''} % % % \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{document} \setcounter{page}{46} { \begin{planotable}{llllllll} \tablenum{3(a)} \tablewidth{9.0in} \tablecaption{ADOPTED X-RAY POWER LAW FITS} \tablehead{ \colhead{Object} & \colhead{0.2 keV } & \colhead{1 keV } & \colhead{1 keV } & \colhead{Ref} & \colhead{4 keV } & \colhead{4 keV } & \colhead{Ref} \\[.2ex] \colhead{} & \colhead{flux ($\mu$Jy)} & \colhead{Energy index} & \colhead{flux ($\mu$Jy)} & \colhead{} & \colhead{Energy index} & \colhead{flux ($\mu$Jy)} & \colhead{} } \startdata Q0003+158 & & 2.2\er$^{2.8}_{1.3}$ & 1.40\er$^{6.0}_{0.6}$ & 1 & & $<$1.5 & 9\\ Q0003+199 & & 2.0 & 6.5--8.5 & 10 & 1.0 & 0.8--1.1 & 10\\ Q0007+106 & & 0.4\er$^{0.9}_{0.3}$&1.97\er$^{2.49}_{0.52}$ & 2&0.66 \er$^{0.09}_{0.14}$&2.08&6\\ Q0026+129 & 5.9\er$^{1.4}_{1.1}$ &0.88\er$^{0.05}_{0.05}$ & 1.41\er$^{0.03}_{0.03}$ & 3 & 0.86\er$^{0.39}_{0.38}$&0.43&5\\ Q0049+171& &1.2\er$^{ 2.8 }_{ 0.6 }$ & 2.58\er$^{ 5.95 }_{ 0.67 }$&1& 1.03\er$^{0.29}_{0.29}$&0.57&5\\ Q0050+124& & 1.9\er$^{1.7}_{0.8}$ & 3.60\er$^{6.7}_{1.3}$ &1 & & $<$1.1 & 9\\ Q0052+251& & 1.2\er$^{ 1.7 }_{ 0.6 }$ & 1.63\er$^{ 3.5 }_{ 0.5 }$&1 &0.84\er$^{0.53}_{0.53}$&0.28&5\\ Q0054+144 &5.18\er$^{1.6}_{1.6}$ & 0.41\er$^{0.07}_{0.07}$ & 0.52\er$^{0.04}_{0.04}$ & 3& 0.07\er$^{0.67}_{0.64}$&0.23&12\\ Q0121$-$590& & 0.9\er$^{ 0.2 }_{ 0.1 }$ & 9.04\er$^{ 0.72 }_{ 0.60 }$ &1&1.07\er$^{0.07}_{0.07}$&0.91&6\\ Q0134+329 & &0.7\er$^{0.4}_{0.4}$ & 0.50\er$^{0.14}_{0.10}$&2&&&\\ Q0205+024&18.8\er$^{4.5}_{5.0}$ & 1.2\er$^{0.07}_{0.07}$ & 0.58\er$^{0.06}_{0.06}$ & 3&&&\\ Q0312$-$770& & 0.1\er$^{0.6}_{0.2}$ & 0.49\er$^{0.59}_{0.09}$ & 2&&&\\ Q0414-060 & & 0.5\er$^{1.7}_{0.3}$ & 0.32\er$^{0.8}_{0.1}$ & 1\\ Q0637$-$752&$<$34.8 & 0.46\er$^{0.10}_{0.10}$ & 0.98\er$^{0.05}_{0.05}$& 3& 0.93\er$^{0.64}_{0.60}$&0.31&5\\ && & & & 0.83\er$^{0.15}_{0.08}$&0.59&7\\ Q0804+761& & 1.01\er$^{0.51}_{0.45}$ & 2.00\er$^{0.46}_{0.41}$ & 1& 1.08\er$^{0.16}_{0.11}$&0.38&7\\ Q0837$-$120& & 0.65\er$^{ 0.27 }_{ 0.23 }$ & 1.74\er$^{ 0.31 }_{ 0.19 }$&1& 0.89\er$^{0.28}_{0.17}$&0.36&7\\ Q0844+349 & & 0.53\er$^{ 0.62 }_{ 0.34 }$ & 0.49\er$^{ 0.13 }_{ 0.03 }$&1&& $<$1.8&9\\ Q0915+165 & & 0.3\er$^{0.3}_{0.2}$ & 1.28\er$^{0.16}_{0.09}$ & 1 & & 0.5 &9\\ Q0923+129 & & 0.7\er$^{0.4}_{0.4}$ & 1.45\er$^{0.27}_{0.24}$ & 1\\ Q1028+313 &7.5\er$^{2.0}_{2.1}$ & 0.62\er$^{0.06}_{0.06}$ & 0.76\er$^{0.07}_{0.07}$ & 3&&&\\ Q1100+772 & & 1.0\er$^{0.3}_{0.5}$ & 0.69\er$^{0.19}_{0.13}$&2&&$<$5.7&9\\ Q1116+215 & & 1.0\er$^{0.3}_{0.2}$ & 0.68\er$^{0.12}_{0.06}$&2&&$<$1.7&9\\ Q1137+660& &0.7\er$^{0.4}_{0.1}$& 0.39\er$^{0.08}_{0.02}$&2&&&\\ Q1146$-$037 &&0.3\er$^{0.5}_{0.2}$& 0.56\er$^{0.26}_{0.07}$&2&&&\\ Q1202+281 &&1.1\er$^{0.2}_{0.4}$& 1.19\er$^{0.27}_{0.25}$&2&&$<$1.6&9\\ Q1211+143 & &2.0\er$^{0.3}_{0.2}$& 5.5\er$^{0.8}_{0.7}$&4& 1.02\er$^{0.23}_{0.22}$&0.64&5\\ &&&&& 1.11\er$^{0.17}_{0.13}$&0.50&7\\ Q1219+755 &16.7\er$^{2.4}_{2.5}$ & 0.78\er$^{0.03}_{0.03}$ & 2.24\er$^{0.08}_{0.08}$& 3& 1.17\er$^{0.67}_{0.60}$&0.45&5\\ &&&&& 0.91\er$^{0.09}_{0.09}$&0.57&7\\ Q1226+023 &48.9\er$^{3.3}_{3.3}$ & 0.47\er$^{0.03}_{0.03}$ & 9.8\er$^{0.2}_{0.2}$&3& 0.53\er$^{0.03}_{0.03}$&5.05&5\\ && & & & 0.44\er$^{0.02}_{0.02}$&5.84&7\\ Q1244+026 & & 1.4\er$^{1.1}_{0.4}$ & 0.78\er$^{0.11}_{0.12}$ & 1 & & $<$1.2 & 9\\ Q1307+085 && 0.9\er$^{0.5}_{0.2}$&0.81\er$^{0.12}_{0.06}$ &2& 0.86\er$^{0.15}_{0.08}$&0.40&7\\ Q1351+695 && 1.1\er$^{0.2}_{0.3}$ & 3.7\er$^{0.3}_{0.3}$ & 1\\ Q1352+183 &&1.5\er$^{0.7}_{0.6}$ &0.56\er$^{0.04}_{0.09}$ &1 & & 0.10 & 7\\ Q1407+265 & & 1.2\er$^{0.9}_{0.2}$&0.44\er$^{0.17}_{0.05}$ & 2&&0.10&7\\ \tablebreak Q1416$-$129 && 0.9\er$^{0.5}_{0.5}$&2.15\er$^{3.50}_{0.70}$ & 2& 0.10\er$^{0.10}_{0.10}$&0.35&7\\ Q1426+015 & $<$50.4& 1.12\er$^{0.1}_{0.1}$ & 3.05\er$^{0.09}_{0.09}$ & 3 & 0.46\er$^{0.25}_{0.25}$&0.62&5\\ Q1501+106 &49.3\er$^{8.3}_{9.3}$ & 0.93\er$^{0.04}_{0.04}$ & 4.2\er$^{0.3}_{0.3}$ & 3& 0.42\er$^{0.16}_{0.16}$&1.04&5\\ Q1545+210 & & 0.8\er$^{0.3}_{0.5}$ & 1.10\er$^{0.43}_{0.29}$&2&&$<$1.4&9\\ Q1613+658 &$<$20.3 & 1.10\er$^{0.2}_{0.3}$ & 1.40\er$^{0.04}_{0.04}$ & 3&&0.8\er$^{0.3}_{0.3}$&9\\ Q1635+119 & & 0.7\er$^{1.7}_{0.6}$ & 0.35\er$^{0.83}_{0.09}$ & 1\\ Q1704+608 & & 0.4\er$^{ 0.6 }_{ 0.4 }$ & 0.15\er$^{ 0.06 }_{ 0.03 }$&1& &$<$1.4&9\\ Q1721+343 & & 0.5\er$^{0.4}_{0.3}$ & 1.93\er$^{0.73}_{0.20}$ & 2 &0.64\er$^{0.17}_{0.14}$&0.67&8\\ Q1803+676 & & -0.2\er$^{0.4}_{0.3}$ & 0.33\er$^{0.20}_{0.06}$ & 2 &&&\\ Q2128-123 & & 0.5\er$^{0.7}_{0.4}$ & 0.49\er$^{0.27}_{0.11}$ & 1\\ Q2130+099 &22.8\er$^{5.4}_{5.3}$ & 0.81\er$^{0.07}_{0.07}$ & 0.91\er$^{0.08}_{0.08}$ & 3& 1.27\er$^{0.36}_{0.36}$&0.36&5\\ && & & & 1.29\er$^{0.19}_{0.16}$&0.31&7\\ Q2135$-$147 & $<$9.7 & 0.73\er$^{0.05}_{0.05}$ & 1.10\er$^{0.02}_{0.02}$ & 3& 0.83\er$^{0.33}_{0.31}$&0.57&5\\ && & & & 0.86\er$^{0.08}_{0.08}$&0.78&7\\ Q2209+184 & & 0.8\er$^{0.5}_{0.5}$ & 1.31\er$^{0.39}_{0.27}$ & 1\\ Q2251-178 & & 0.4\er$^{0.6}_{0.6}$ & 3.30\er$^{2.3}_{1.3}$ & 1\\ \tablerefs{ 1) This paper; 2) Wilkes and Elvis (1987); 3) Masnou et al (1992); 4) Elvis et al (1991); 5) Comastri et al (1992); 6) Turner and Pounds (1989); 7) Williams et al (1992); 8) Ohashi et al (1992); 9) Della Ceca et al (1990); 10) Turner and Pounds (1988); 11) Tananbaum et al (1986); 12) Saxton et al (1993). } \end{planotable} } { \begin{planotable}{lllllllllll} \tablenum{3(b)} \tablewidth{9.0in} \tablecaption{ OBSERVATIONAL DETAILS FOR NEW X-RAY POWER LAW FITS\tablenotemark{a}} \tablehead{ \colhead{Object}& \colhead{Sequence} & \colhead{Date} & \colhead{Exposure (s)} & \colhead{Gain} & \colhead{PHA Channels} & \colhead{Fit Counts} & \colhead{Count Rate} & \colhead{$\alpha$} & \colhead{$N_H$} & \colhead{$\chi^2$} } \startdata Q0003+158 & 5360 & 1980 Jan 3 &2211 & 11.7 & 2:9 & 560 &0.11 &2.20 & 21.38 & 9.9 \\ && 1980 Jun 15 & 2955 & 16.0\\ Q0049+171 & 8431 & 1980 Jul 22 & 1373 & 15.5 & 2:10 & 488 & 0.36 & 1.16 & 20.94& 9.6 \\ Q0050+124 & 2632 & 1979 Jul 20 & 1552 & 14.6 & 2:10 & 555 & 0.36 & 1.85 & 21.18 & 6.7\\ Q0052+251 & 5334 & 1980 Jan 10 & 1472 & 16.4 & 2:11 & 351 & 0.24 & 1.16 & 20.90 & 8.7\\ Q0121-590 & 0523 & 1979 Nov 25 & 2566 & 12.6 & 1:9 & 5230 & 2.04 & 0.92 & 20.23 & 7.5\\ Q0414-060 & 0521 & 1979 Feb 25 & 4083 & 14.8 & 2:10 & 241 &0.06 & 0.48 & 20.65 & 1.8\\ Q0804+761 & 5336 & 1980 Sep 27 & 1303 & 14.1 & 2:10 & 465 & 0.36 & 1.01 & 20.49 & 10.2\\ Q0837-120 & 8933 & 1981 Apr 21 & 5367 & 16.2 &2:11 &1717 & 0.32 & 0.66 & 20.61 & 12.6 \\ Q0844+349 & 5337 & 1979 Oct 29 & 1659 & 18.7 & 2:12 & 1748 & 1.05 & 0.80 & 20.70 & 17.9\\ Q0915+165 & 3467 & 1979 Nov 6 & 1128 & 16.5 & 2:12 &904 &0.33 & 0.34 & 19.71 & 8.3 \\ && 1979 Nov 13 & 1622 & 19.5\\ Q0923+129 & 6708 & 1980 May 7 & 2039 & 16.6 & 2:11 &610&0.30 & 0.70 & 20.35 & 6.5 \\ Q1244+026 & 8433 & 1980 Jul 13 & 1232 & 15.7 &2:10 &394 & 0.32& 1.40 & 19.75 & 8.0 \\ Q1351+695 & 10596 &1981 Feb 9 & 1547 & 18.3& 2:12 &1486 &0.96 & 1.06 & 20.20 & 12.6 \\ Q1352+183 & 5377 & 1981 Jan 11 & 2669 & 12.8 &1:9 & 418 & 0.16 & 1.54 & 20.30 & 3.0 \\ Q1704+608 & 5688 &1980 Jan 1-May 2&38084 & 16.6 & 2:11 & 1129 &0.03 & 0.43 & 20.47 & 6.6 \\ Q2128-123 & 8413 & 1980 May 9 & 5850 & 16.7 &2:11 & 531 &0.09& 0.52 & 20.60 & 3.3 \\ Q2209+184 & 8438 & 1980 Jun 15 & 1766 & 16.1 & 2:11 & 433&0.25 & 0.77 & 20.56 & 7.5 \\ Q2251-178 & 2074 & 1979 May 22 & 1958 & 11.8 & 1:9 & 994&0.51 & 0.37 & 21.20 & 12.6 \\ \tablenotetext{a}{For details of analysis, see Wilkes and Elvis (1987). For normalizations and errors on fit parameters, see Table 3(a).} \end{planotable} } \end{document}