Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Notes to Tables 10 and 11 Notes are presented here for unusual H I 21 cm spectra, for KGC galaxies observed here which might be confused with unobserved objects, and for KGC galaxies which were checked for confusion. All listed radial velocities are heliocentric. Diameters and magnitudes were taken from UGC; angular pair separations were taken from UGC or were computed from accurate positions; morphological types were taken from Binggeli, Sandage, & Tammann (1985) (preferably) and from UGC; and velocities were taken from the private catalog of J. Huchra, unless noted otherwise. Velocities and widths are given in km/s, fluxes in Jy km/s, and rms flux densities in mJy. Most Arecibo spectra taken in 1986-88 had strong interference (RFI) spikes near 5700 km/s. Some of these spikes have been interpolated over in Figure 1. Only those spikes which severely affected the measured H I parameters are noted below. U 806: Observed at Arecibo for possible confusion with U807 at 1.4', for which I knew no redshift at the time. Later learned that v(optical) = 11000 for U807 (Rubin & Ford 1983), thus ruling out confusion. Fisher & Tully (1981) H I parameters used for U806 in analysis. I1694 : Observed for possible confusion with U962 at 8'. U 1356: Marginal detection, but flux agrees with that of marginal detection by Haynes & Giovanelli (1984). U 1499: Searched for possible confusion with U1497 at 4.7'. Rms = 1.36 (v = -400 to 3600) and rms = 2.71 (v = 3600 to 7600). Spectra not displayed. U 1541: Severe RFI. U 2063: Searched for possible confusion with U2066 at 3.6'. Low-resolution spectrum yields S > S(U2066) and v = v(U2066), indicating that both signals are confused. Spectra not displayed. U 2147: Absorption appears consistently in individual one-minute data records, in both 1986 and 1987 runs. Blank sky position checked for emission, with none found. Strength of feature is about -4 mJy. Continuum flux density is 24 mJy at 2380 MHz (Dressel & Condon 1978). U 3858: Searched for possible confusion with U3859 at 4.7'. Low-resolution spectrum may show confusing signal with S = 3 S(U3859). Spectra not displayed. U 4112: Prefer parameters from Bicay & Giovanelli (1987). U 4264, N2536: Separation = 1.8'. Arecibo fluxes give S(N2536) = S(U4264) (the latter measured by Bicay & Giovanelli 1987). S(U4264, Green Bank) = 1.4 S(U4264, Arecibo). These numbers are consistent with a normal H I distribution for U4264 and negligible emission from N2536. U 4389, U 4397, 0823+7348, U 4414: U4397 is the KGC object, and is separated from the other three by 7-8'. Low-resolution spectra (not displayed here) of the three companions show emission at both v = 2200 and 3700 for U4389 and 0823+7348, and at 2200 for U4413. Emission at 3700 was found for U4397, but its spectrum near 2200 was not obtained; assume signal is confused. U 4541, 0840+1427: Arp 89, separation = 2.5'. Spectra have two components, both of which are strongest for 0840+1427. Probably confused. Observed blank sky 2.5' from center of U4541 in direction opposite that of 0840+1427 (position = 084009.8+142544), and measured S = 1.37. U 4637: Data culled from several poor scans--needs confirmation. U 4696: Searched for possible confusion with U4695 at 8.3'. Poor, low-resolution spectrum (not displayed here), but can say that S(U4696) < 0.5 S(U4695), ruling out confusion. U 4861: Used both 21 cm and 22 cm dual-circular feeds, with consistent results. Listed parameters measured from combined data. U 5183: U5190 at 6.3' causes no confusion, since S = 2.9 (Bicay & Giovanelli 1987). U 5280: Prefer Green Bank to Arecibo parameters. U 5561, I 601: Separation = 1.3'. Confused. U 5767: Obtained S = 0.55 using 10 MHz spectra from 1985 runs. U 6028: Possible confusion from U6026 at 3.7', S = 5 (Dickel & Rood 1978). U 6305, U 6306: Separation = 3.1'. Confused. Prefer parameters of Bicay & Giovanelli (1986b). U 6330: Smaller feature has S = 1.48, v = 1938, w = 259, identifying it as contamination from U6348 (2.1' x 0.5', SBb, m = 13.9, S = 13.4, v = 1945, w = 265: Haynes 1990). Parameters for U6330 should be good. U 6472: Part of well-known close pair with U6471 = I694. Continuum flux density about 1 Jy; this, strong absorption, and confusion render spectrum unmeasurable. U 6595: Close pair with N3769A, 0.9' x 0.3', SBm pec, m = 14.7, v = 791. Assume most emission is from U6595. U 6615: Data affected by Sun; prefer parameters of Fisher & Tully (1981). U 6621, U 6623: Separation = 1.5'. Confused. Prefer parameters of Lewis, Helou, & Salpeter (1985). U 6661: Confused with U6668 at 3.2', 1.4' x 1.1', SBa, m = 13.8, v = 6503, based on U6668 spectrum taken by Eder, Giovanelli, & Haynes (1991). U 6695: Severe RFI. Prefer parameters from Eder, Giovanelli, & Haynes (1991). U 6880, U 6884: Separation = 8.3'. In U6880 spectrum, U6880 is the high-velocity feature (v[optical] = 3322), which is still confused with U6884. van Moorsel (1983) measures S = 2.3 for U6880, using Westerbork. Assume that U6884 is essentially unconfused. U 6962: Confused with U6973 at 3.3', 3.1' x 1.5', S..., m = 12.7, v = 704. U 7028, U7039: Searched for possible confusion with U7032. Emission detected in both, at redshifts which rule out confusion. U 7075, U 7081: Expect U7081 to produce S = 9 at position of U7075. Since this is nearly half of observed S(U7075), assume that U7075 is confused. U 7230: Disrupted multiple system. U 7310: Data heavily edited. U 7333: Observed for possible confusion with U7319 at 8.6'. v(optical) = 2261, in agreement with v(H I) = 2332 from Lewis, Helou, & Salpeter (1985). I observed no signal at v = 2300 (rms = 3.0), but strong signal repeated on three consecutive days at v = 733, in agreement with v(H I) = 731 from Huchtmeier & Richter (1986). Also observed 3.5' away in the four cardinal directions, with no emission detected at v = 730. Also observed faint companions #238 (dE, B = 18.3, separation = 7.6') and #278 (dS0, B = 15.1, separation = 4.8') from Binggeli, Sandage, & Tammann (1985), with no emission detected. Conclude that v = 730, and therefore that signal is not confusing U7319. U 7344: Possible signal plus absorption. Continuum flux density is 29 mJy at 2380 MHz (Dressel & Condon 1978). U 7364: U7360 = N4261 at 3.3', with continuum flux density = 10 Jy at 2380 MHz (Dressel & Condon 1978). Resulting confusion renders U7364 spectrum a meaningless standing-wave pattern which is not displayed here. U 7368: Unsuccessful search for emission yielded rms = 2.21 (v = -400 to 3600) and rms = 3.54 (v = 3600 to 7600). Spectra not displayed. U 7380: Possible confusion from N4277 at 2.0', 0.7' x 0.6', SBa, m = 15.0, v = 2499; and from I3153 at 5.4', 0.6' x 0.5', Sc, m = 15.2. Confusion also possible from U7371 at 4.3', 1.3' x 0.5', S0, m = 13.9, v = 2373, S = 11.2 (Huchtmeier & Richter 1986), but it is more likely that U7380 is confusing U7371. U 7435: Cannot confirm detection by Huchtmeier & Richter (1986), with S = 4.2, rms = 3, v = 869, and w = 231. N4333 : Observed for possible confusion with U7454 at 3.5'. Signal not strong enough to affect S(U7454), but reverse may not be true. U 7526: Contaminated by Galactic emission; v(optical) = -155. U 7529: Parameters in agreement with those measured by Hoffman et al. (1989), but not with those found by Huchtmeier & Richter (1986: S = 4.9, rms = 3, v = 1845, w = 402). N4447 : Observed for possible confusion with U7586 at 1.6'. S(N4447) = S(U7586), and the H I redshift of the former object is closer to the optical redshift (7304) than to the redshift of U7586 (7346). Conclude that one-third of the flux in each spectrum comes from the other galaxy. U 7613: Data heavily edited. U 7667: Need better data (away from Sun). U 7695: Confused with Galactic emission? U 7729: v(optical) = 8, so measurement impossible. U 7735: Data heavily edited. U 7810: Severe RFI. U 7828: Data heavily edited. U 7851, U 7852: U7851 (v[optical] = 4801) observed for possible confusion with U7852 at 2.4'. U7852 is confusing U7851, but not vice-versa. U7852 possibly confused with N4613 at 2.8', 0.5' x 0.4', m = 15.5, v = 4979. U 7875: Confused with Galactic emission and possibly with U7874 at 3.8', 2.0' x 0.8', Sdm, m = 14.7, v = 304. U 7893: Searched for possible confusion with U7900 at 9.6'. Emission near redshift of U7900, if associated with U7893, yields S(U7893) = 0.2 S(U7900) (the latter flux measured at Green Bank by Richter & Huchtmeier 1987), so U7900 unlikely to be confused. U 7915: Data heavily edited. U 7926, U 7931: U7926 observed as possible source of confusion for U7931. Resulting S(U7926) should produce flux = 0.2 S(U7931) at the position of U7931. In addition, S(U7931) is about 75% of the (uncertain) flux measured for U7931 at Green Bank by Richter & Huchtmeier (1987), again consistent with little confusion from U7926 in the Arecibo observations. U 7974: v(optical) = 1435, but v(H I) = 3173 with S = 2.5 (Huchtmeier & Richter 1986). The spectrum reported here confirms the optical redshift; I observed no signal near v = 3200 (rms = 0.77). U 8020: Need better data (away from Sun). U 8037, N4791: Separation = 4.8'. Searched for emission from N4791, yielding rms = 2.14 (v = -400 to 3600) and rms = 3.90 (v = 3600 to 7600). Spectra not displayed. U8037 is confused with N4796 at 0.45', 0.22' x 0.22', v = 2775, but we assume here that most of the emission is from U8037. U 8820: Discrepant with parameters in Lewis (1987a) (S = 32, rms = 18, v = 6300, w = 76), but in agreement with v(optical) = 7312. U 9149: Severe RFI. U 9226: N5615 at 0.45', 0.20' x 0.15', with plume leaving the galaxy from this point. Assume here that most emission comes from U9226. U 9352: Stellar, high surface brightness companion on arm. Assume most emission comes from U9352. U 9388: Observed for possible confusion with U9399 at 8.5'. S(U9388) = 2.5 S(U9399), so U9388 profile is unconfused by U9399. U9388 is possibly confused by N5683 at 1.4', 0.45' x 0.40', SB0/a?, m = 15.5. U 9399: Unusual profile similar to that obtained by Huchtmeier (1982). Listed parameters refer to the entire profile; w = 400 is appropriate for a bright, edge-on Sa. Main (center) feature has S = 0.93, rms = 2.3, v = 2234, w = 120, and may be confusion from U9388 (see above) or from U9406 at 15', 1.7' x 1.7', SBc, m = 14.5, v = 2276. U 9576: Observed for possible confusion with U9579 at 4.5'. S(U9576) = 0.6 S(U9579), so that U9576 is probably confused, whereas U9579 has a good flux measurement but an uncertain width. U 9726: Data heavily edited. U 9740: Data heavily edited. U 9789: Perhaps some low-velocity confusion from U9790 at 9.8', 1.5' x 0.4', Sb, m = 15.0, S = 13.7, v = 2461, w = 435, but nothing substantial. U 9931: Searched for possible confusion with U9940 at 10'. No emission found. Spectra not displayed. U 9940: Spectrum looks confused, but there is no obvious confusing source (see U9931), so assume that parameters are good. U10024, 1543+0233, 1543+0236: 1543+0233 observed for possible confusion with U10024 at 7.7'. Detection marginal, but flux too low to cause confusion. 1543+0236 observed for possible confusion with U10024 at 2.3'. Narrow profile is clearly visible as confusion in U10024 spectrum. Estimate that unconfused raw flux for U10024 is S = 2.3; the corrected flux listed in Table 10 has been adjusted accordingly. U10081: Data heavily edited. U10328: Prefer dual-circular to flat feed spectrum. U10439: Prefer dual-circular to flat feed spectrum. U10497, U10502: U10497 searched for possible confusion with U10502 at 4.3'. Low-resolution spectrum for U10497 (not displayed here) gives S(U10497) = S(U10502), indicating likely confusion in both directions. U10897: Spectrum inadvertently discarded following data reduction, and therefore not displayed. U11055: Observed for possible confusion with U11057 at 4.4'. Confusion unlikely in either direction. U11331, U11332: U11331 searched for possible confusion with U11332 at 2.6'. Low-resolution spectrum (not displayed here) for U11331 gives S(U11331) = S(U11332) at same redshift, so confusion likely in both directions. However, there may be signal at v = 2800 in the U11331 spectrum. U11588: Strange profile. Possible confusion with N6929 at 4.0', 0.7' x 0.6', m = 14.9. U12442: Observed for possible confusion with U12447 at 3.1'. U12442 spectrum is significantly contaminated by U12447, but not vice-versa.