Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 1 KGC Basic Data Data consist of 492 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 101 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER NAME2*6, SAMPLE*1, DEC_SIGN*1, RSA_TYPE*14, RC2_TYPE*15, : UGC_HUB_TYPE*8, UGC_REV_TYPE*12 INTEGER UGC, RA_HR, RA_MIN, DEC_DEG, DEC_MIN, DEC_SEC REAL RA_SEC, A, B, MAG READ(10,100) UGC, NAME2, SAMPLE, RA_HR, RA_MIN, RA_SEC, : DEC_SIGN, DEC_DEG, DEC_MIN, DEC_SEC, A, B, MAG, : RSA_TYPE, RC2_TYPE, UGC_HUB_TYPE, UGC_REV_TYPE 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,A6,1X,A1,1X,2I2,F4.1,1X,A1,3I2,1X,F5.2,1X, : F5.2,1X,F4.1,1X,A14,1X,A15,1X,A8,1X,A12) In the order given in the READ statement, the variables are: UGC number; other name; sample flag (see below); RA and dec (epoch 1950); major diameter, minor diameter, and magnitude, as given in UGC; morphological types as given by RSA, RC2, and UGC (both on Hubble and revised Hubble systems), respectively. The "sample flag" SAMPLE is 'V' for galaxies with m = 13.2 or brighter which are in the Virgo core (within six degrees of M87); it is 'X' for galaxies which are within ten degrees of M87 but which are fainter than m = 13.2; and it is blank otherwise. Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 7 Raw and Corrected Diameters and Magnitudes Data consist of 492 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 50 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER D_25_FLAG*1, R_25_FLAG*1, B_T_FLAG*1 INTEGER UGC REAL A, B, Z_MAG, D_25, R_25, B_T, D_0, B_T_0 READ(10,100) UGC, A, B, Z_MAG, D_25, D_25_FLAG, R_25, : R_25_FLAG, B_T, B_T_FLAG, D_0, B_T_0 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,F4.1,1X,F4.1,A1,1X,F4.2,A1, : 1X,F4.1,A1,1X,F4.1,1X,F4.1) In the order given in the READ statement, the variables are: UGC number; major diameter, minor diameter, and magnitude, as given in UGC; major diameter at 25 blue mags per square arcsec (25 uB); diameter flag (see below); axial ratio at 25 uB; ratio flag (see below); total blue magnitude within 25 uB; magnitude flag (see below); corrected blue diameter; corrected total blue magnitude. The "flag" for any of the three RC2 photometric parameters is set equal to '*' when that parameter has been directly measured on the RC2 system for a given galaxy. If, instead, the parameter has been estimated based on statistical relationships between UGC and RC2 quantities, then the flag is left blank. Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 8 Raw IRAS Data Data consist of 492 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 80 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER UPPER_12*1 INTEGER UGC, RMS_12, RMS_25, RMS_60, RMS_100, CODE_12, CODE_25, : CODE_60, CODE_100 REAL FLUX_12, FLUX_25, FLUX_60, FLUX_100, FWHM_12, FWHM_25, : FWHM_60, FWHM_100 READ(10,100) UGC, UPPER_12, FLUX_12, RMS_12, FWHM_12, CODE_12, : FLUX_25, RMS_25, FWHM_25, CODE_25, FLUX_60, RMS_60, : FWHM_60, CODE_60, FLUX_100, RMS_100, FWHM_100, CODE_100 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,I2,1X,F4.2,1X,I2,1X,F5.2,1X,I3,1X,F4.2,1X,I2, : 1X,F6.2,1X,I3,1X,F4.2,1X,I2,1X,F7.2,1X,I3,1X,F4.2,1X,I2) UGC is simply the UGC number of each galaxy. For each of four wavelengths (12, 25, 60, and 100 microns), the FLUX density (in Jy), the RMS baseline noise (in mJy), and the FWHM angular diameter (in arcmin) are given. The flag UPPER_12 is set to '<' when FLUX_12 represents an upper limit taken from PSC; otherwise it is left blank. (Note that it is left blank for upper limits NOT taken from PSC.) The four detection CODEs are 0 for nondetections; 1 for good detections; 2 for marginal detections; 3 for improbable detections; 4 for PSC/SSSC detections which are probably confused; 5 for spirals mapped by Rice et al. (1988); 6 for unconfused PSC data; 7 for unconfused SSSC data; 8 for one galaxy (UGC 6962) for which existing IRAS data were not coadded; and -1 for objects not observed by IRAS. See printed article for details. Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 10 New HI parameters for KGC spirals Data consist of 223 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 65 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER M_HI_LIMIT*1, DEF_LIMIT*1 INTEGER UGC, V_HEL, V_LG, WIDTH, V_ROT, TEL_CODE, DET_CODE REAL RMS, FLUX, CORR_FLUX, DIST, M_HI, DEF READ(10,100) UGC, V_HEL, V_LG, RMS, WIDTH, V_ROT, FLUX, : CORR_FLUX, TEL_CODE, DET_CODE, DIST, M_HI_LIMIT, : M_HI, DEF_LIMIT, DEF 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,I4,1X,I4,1X,F4.2,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,F6.2,1X,F6.2,1X, : I1,1X,I1,1X,F4.1,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F5.2) In the order given in the READ statement above, the data for each galaxy are: UGC number; heliocentric velocity (km/s); velocity relative to the Local Group barycenter (km/s); rms baseline noise (mJy); HI profile width at 50% of the mean signal strength (km/s); computed rotation velocity (km/s); raw HI flux (Jy km/s); corrected HI flux (Jy km/s); telescope code (see below); detection code (see below); distance (Mpc); HI mass flag (see below); logarithm of the HI mass (solar units); HI deficiency flag (see below); HI deficiency. The telescope code TEL_CODE (code "C" in the printed article) is 0 for spirals observed with either of the two dual-circular feeds at Arecibo; 1 for those observed with the 91 m Green Bank dish; and 2 for those observed with the Arecibo flat feed. The detection code DET_CODE (code "D" in the printed article) is 0 for nondetections; 1 for good detections; 2 for marginal detections; 3 for confused detections; 4 for spirals whose spectra show HI absorption; and 9 for objects of unknown redshift for which a search in velocity space was unsuccessful. The flag M_HI_LIMIT is set to '<' when the HI mass which follows is an upper limit; otherwise it is left blank. Similarly, DEF_LIMIT is set to '>' when the HI deficiency which follows it is a lower limit, and is left blank otherwise. Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 11 New HI Parameters for Non-KGC Galaxies Data consist of 42 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 104 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER NAME2*5, DEC_SIGN*1, TYPE*3, M_HI_LIMIT*1, DEF_LIMIT*1 INTEGER UGC, RA_HR, RA_MIN, DEC_DEG, DEC_MIN, DEC_SEC, V_HEL, : V_LG, WIDTH, V_ROT, TEL_CODE, DET_CODE REAL RA_SEC, A, B, MAG, RMS, FLUX, CORR_FLUX, DIST, M_HI, DEF READ(10,100) UGC, NAME2, RA_HR, RA_MIN, RA_SEC, DEC_SIGN, DEC_DEG, : DEC_MIN, DEC_SEC, A, B, MAG, TYPE, V_HEL, V_LG, RMS, : WIDTH, V_ROT, FLUX, CORR_FLUX, TEL_CODE, DET_CODE, : DIST, M_HI_LIMIT, M_HI, DEF_LIMIT, DEF 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,A5,1X,2I2,F4.1,1X,A1,3I2,1X,F3.1,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.1,1X, : A3,1X,I4,1X,I4,1X,F4.2,1X,I3,1X,I3,1X,F5.2,1X,F5.2,1X,I1, : 1X,I1,1X,F4.1,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F5.2) In the order given in the READ statement above, the data for each galaxy are: UGC number; other name; RA and dec (epoch 1950); major diameter, minor diameter, and magnitude, taken from UGC; RC2-style morphological type; heliocentric velocity (km/s); velocity relative to the Local Group barycenter (km/s); rms baseline noise (mJy); HI profile width at 50% of the mean signal strength (km/s); computed rotation velocity (km/s); raw HI flux (Jy km/s); corrected HI flux (Jy km/s); telescope code (see below); detection code (see below); distance (Mpc); HI mass flag (see below); logarithm of the HI mass (solar units); HI deficiency flag (see below); HI deficiency. The telescope code TEL_CODE (code "C" in the printed article) is 0 for spirals observed with either of the two dual-circular feeds at Arecibo; 1 for those observed with the 91 m Green Bank dish; and 2 for those observed with the Arecibo flat feed. The detection code DET_CODE (code "D" in the printed article) is 0 for nondetections; 1 for good detections; 2 for marginal detections; 3 for confused detections; 4 for spirals whose spectra show HI absorption; and 9 for objects of unknown redshift for which a search in velocity space was unsuccessful. The flag M_HI_LIMIT is set to '<' when the HI mass which follows is an upper limit; otherwise it is left blank. Similarly, DEF_LIMIT is set to '>' when the HI deficiency which follows it is a lower limit, and is left blank otherwise. Format for Magri, C., AJ, 1994, 108, 896 -- Table 12 Compiled Data on KGC Spirals Data consist of 492 records, one per galaxy; each record has up to 110 bytes. A Fortran-77 program which could access these data would include the following statements: CHARACTER TYPE*2, NR*2, B_D_SIGN*1, M_HI_SIGN*1, DEF_SIGN*1, : L_RAD_SIGN*1, L_FIR_SIGN*1, L_WARM_SIGN*1, : M_DUST_SIGN*1, W_MINUS_C_SIGN*1 INTEGER UGC REAL LC, B_D, DIST, DIAM, L_B, B_MINUS_V, U_MINUS_B, B_MINUS_H, : M_HI, DEF, V_ROT, L_RAD, L_FIR, L_WARM, M_DUST, W_MINUS_C, : ENV READ(10,100) UGC, TYPE, LC, NR, B_D_SIGN, B_D, DIST, : DIAM, L_B, B_MINUS_V, U_MINUS_B, B_MINUS_H, : M_HI_SIGN, M_HI, DEF_SIGN, DEF, V_ROT, : L_RAD_SIGN, L_RAD, L_FIR_SIGN, L_FIR, : L_WARM_SIGN, L_WARM, M_DUST_SIGN, M_DUST, : W_MINUS_C_SIGN, W_MINUS_C, ENV 100 FORMAT(I5,1X,A2,1X,F3.1,1X,A2,1X,A1,F3.2,1X,F5.1,1X,F4.2,1X, : F5.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,F4.2,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F4.2,1X, : F4.2,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F5.2,1X,A1,F4.2,1X, : A1,F5.2,1X,F5.2) In the order given in the READ statement above, the data for each galaxy are: UGC (I5): UGC number TYPE (A2): morphological type (including bar status) on RC2 system LC (F3.1): luminosity class NR (A2): non-randomness (see printed text) B_D_SIGN, B_D (A1,F3.2): bulge-to-disk diameter ratio DIST (F5.1): distance (Mpc) DIAM (F4.2): logarithm of blue diameter (kpc) L_B (F5.2): logarithm of blue luminosity (solar units) B_MINUS_V, U_MINUS_B, B_MINUS_H (all F4.2): optical/NIR colors M_HI_SIGN, M_HI (A1,F5.2): logarithm of H I mass (solar units) DEF_SIGN, DEF (A1,F4.2): H I deficiency V_ROT (F4.2): logarithm of rotation velocity (km/s) L_RAD_SIGN, L_RAD (A1,F5.2): logarithm of 20 cm luminosity (solar units) L_FIR_SIGN, L_FIR (A1,F5.2): logarithm of far-IR luminosity (solar units) L_WARM_SIGN, L_WARM (A1,F5.2): log of warm-dust luminosity (solar units) M_DUST_SIGN, M_DUST (A1,F4.2): logarithm of dust mass (solar units) W_MINUS_C_SIGN, W_MINUS_C (A1,F5.2): warm/cool dust "color" (see text) ENV (F5.2): local environmental harshness (see text) The SIGNs placed before several quantities are '<' for upper limits, '>' for lower limits, ':' for marginal detections, and blank otherwise.