% Solar Active Region EUV Spectrum from SERTS, Roger J. Thomas & W.M. Neupert % Published in Ap.J.Suppl. 91, 461-482, 1994 (Final Version with corrections) % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Notes to Table 3 \documentstyle[apjpt]{article} \begin{document} \setcounter{page}{8} \begin{center} \noindent Notes to Table 3:\\ \begin{enumerate} \item Blend with first-order line (Fe~XI 349.035~\AA);~~listed values are based on second-order response. \item Blend with first-order line (Mn~XV 384.745~\AA);~~listed values are based on second-order response. \item Intensity relative to other Fe~XII lines is significantly lower than predicted by Monsignori-Fossi 1992. \item Intensity may be affected by possible vignetting at extreme edge of wavelength range. \item Identified as Ar~XIII by Dere 1978, but our wavelength and intensity match better with Ni~XVIII. \item Identified as blend with Ar~XIV by Dere 1978, but our wavelength and intensity match better with Fe~XV alone. \item Identified as Si~X by Behring et al. 1976. Their Table~1 lists 256.38~\AA, but the accompanying note makes clear that this is a calculated value for Si~X whereas the wavelength they actually measured was 256.42~\AA. \item Identified as blend with Ar~XIV by Dere 1978, but our wavelength and intensity match better with Fe~XIV alone. \item Identified as blend with Fe~XXI by Dere 1978 in his study of flare spectra. \item Identified as S XIII by Dere 1978, probably a typographical error. \item Gaussian fit only to unsaturated portion of line profile;~~thus, measurements are very uncertain. Listed values for $\sigma_{\lambda}$, $\sigma_I$, and $\sigma_W$ have been increased by a factor of~2 over those resulting from the fit itself. \item Lower level is given as $^1$S$_1$ by Kelly 1987;~~it should be $^1$S$_0$. \item Identified as N~IV by Feldman et al. 1987. \item Measurements very uncertain due to plate flaw. Listed values for $\sigma_{\lambda}$, $\sigma_I$, and $\sigma_W$ have been increased by a factor of~2 over those resulting from the fit itself. \item Blend with second-order line (Fe~X 2x174.517~\AA);~~listed values are based on first-order response. \item Identified as blend with second-order Fe~X by Feldman et al. 1987, but much stronger Fe~X at 2x175.47~\AA\ is not seen in our spectrum. \item Identified as blend with Ar~XVI by Dere 1978;~~we resolve these two lines. \item Blend with second-order line (Fe~XII 2x192.373~\AA);~~listed values are based on first-order response. \item Identified as Ca~X by Behring et al. 1976 and by Dere 1978, and as blend with Ca~X by Feldman et al. 1987. See Keenan et al. 1993b for our analysis of this line. \item Intensity relative to other Mg~IX lines is significantly lower than that predicted by Keenan et al. 1993a;~~may be due to instrumental vignetting at extreme edge of wavelength range. \end{enumerate} \vspace*{.1in} ~~~i.~~Fit from data smoothed with a 5 pixel ``boxcar'' routine; listed values for $\sigma_{\lambda}$, $\sigma_I$, and $\sigma_W$ have been increased by a \\ factor of $\sqrt{2}$ over those resulting from the fit itself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \vspace*{.1in} ~~~ii.~~Partially saturated at a few spatial locations along the slit, with slight effect on the averaged profile. Listed values \\ for $\sigma_{\lambda}$, $\sigma_I$, and $\sigma_W$ have been increased by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$ over those resulting from the fit itself.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \end{center} \vspace*{.1in} $^s$Second-order line; b = Blend. ~~~Wavelengths in \AA\ ($\sigma_{\lambda}$ in m\AA); Intensities in ergs~cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$sr$^{-1}$; FWHM in m\AA. \vspace*{.1in} \noindent ``Behr'' is Behring et al. 1976;~~``Dere'' is Dere 1978 plus Feldman et al. 1987;~~``Kelly'' is Kelly 1987. \vspace*{.1in} \noindent ID Code is: \\ \hspace*{.2in} 0 = Unidentified; 1 = Behring et al. 1976; 2 = Dere 1978; 3 = Feldman et al. 1987; 4 = This work using Kelly 1987; \\ \hspace*{.2in} 5 = Keenan et al. 1991; 6 = Mason \& Bhatia 1978; 7 = Kastner 1991; 8 = Behring 1992; 9 = Monsignori-Fossi 1992. \end{document}