Hewitt & Burbudge, 1993, ApJS, 87, 451 1) Dr. Burbidge was contacted by telephone to request the data for the CD-ROM. Permission was granted to retrieve the copy that had been deposited with the Centre de Donnees de Astronomique de Strasbourg (CDS). Those data were delivered by Ms. Gail Schneider at the Astronomical Data Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The original data files as supplied by the authors are stored in the subdirectory 'QSO93'. The data files as supplied by the CDS after their normal processing are stored in the subdirectory 'CDS'. The CDS files include a byte-by-byte description of the data and a history of the processing. No additional changes were made for the AAS CD-ROM. ----- For AAS CD-ROM Volume IV ----- 1) Wrote simple introductory TABLE.DOC file.