****** cass157 anonymous ftp account: /qso/README ************************* The qso directory contains ASCII files from the Hewitt and Burbidge (1993) QSO catalog and the Junkkarinen, Hewitt and Burbidge (1991) QSO Absorption catalog: Files from Hewitt, A., and Burbidge, G., 1993, Ap. J. Supplement, 87, 451. : filename contents qso93_table1 Table 1 - the main table in the QSO catalog qso93_refs_alpha Table 1 References in alphabetical order qso93_refs_num Table 1 References in numerical order qso93_table2 Table 2 QSO names to coordinate names (partial) qso93_table2_additions Table 2 additions qso93_1line_perqso 1 line per QSO entry in Table 1, 1950 coordinates, RA order. (provided for convenience to aid in sorting or searching by z or V etc.) Files from Junkkarinen, V., Hewitt, A., and Burbidge, G., 1991, Ap. J. Supplement, 77, 203 (Erratum in 1992, Ap. J. Supplement, 81, 409): filename contents abs91_table1 Table 1 - the main absorption catalog (includes erratum) abs91_refs_alpha References for abs. catalog alphabetical order abs91_refs_num References for abs. catalog numerical order abs91_table3 Table 2 - Broad Absorption Line QSOs abs91_table3 Table 3 - QSOs with Absorption Lines Detected If you decide to copy these files, please send a note with your name and address to Professor G. Burbidge (by e-mail care of B. Travell, address: CASS::TRAVELL_OIR (SPAN type address) or by regular mail to G. Burbidge CASS 0111, UCSD, La Jolla, CA 92093-0111). This will help us judge the usefulness of this electronic distribution and we will use the information to make a mailing list for errata etc. Questions regarding the ftp computer account and any problems with the electronic copies should be addressed to Vesa Junkkarinen (e-mail to: vesa@cass157.ucsd.edu). Please provide the usual acknowledgement/reference to the appropriate Ap. J. Supplement paper if these electronic tables are used in published research.