\documentstyle{article} % % Make table in landscape orientation % \textwidth 9.0in \textheight 7.0in \topmargin -0.5in \oddsidemargin 0.0in \evensidemargin 0.0in \renewcommand{\baselinestretch} {1.0} \parskip 0.1in \pagestyle{headings} % \begin{document} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lccccccccc} \hline\hline & & & & & & & & & \\ &Spectral&A$_V$& d & V &$W_{3.29}$&$F_{3.29}$(obs)&$R_{ap}$&$F_{3.29}$(tot)&$R_{ext}$ \\ &Type&&&&&&&& \\ &&&(pc)&&(\AA)&($10^{-15}$ Wm$^{-2}$)&($^{\prime\prime}$/AU)&($10^{-15}$ Wm$^{-2}$)&($^{\prime\prime}$/AU) \\ \\ &(1)&(2)&(3)&(4)&(5)&(6)&(7)&(8)&(9) \\ \\ \hline & & & & & & & & & \\ 3.29 $\mu$m feature \\ \\ Elias 1 &A6 &6-10&140&15.30&110&6.7&8.0/$1100$&6.7&$<$ 1.4/$200$ \\ HD 259431&B6 &1.66&800&8.70& 78&10&6.0/$4800$&30&$>$ 6.0/$4800$ \\ HD 97048 &B9.5&1.4 &140&8.46&180&13&2.5/$350$&23&$>$ 2.5/$350$ \\ & & & & & & & & &$<$10.5/$1500$ \\ V921 Sco &B0 &5.0 &2600&11.43&240&130&7.5/$19500$&450&$>$ 7.5/$19500$ \\ TY CrA &B8 &3.0 & 130& 8.99&870& 20&6.0/$780$&$>$20&$>$ 2.5/$325$ \\ XY Per &A2+B6&1.24& 350& 9.36& 46&3.8&1.5/$520$&3.8&$<$ 1.5/$520$ \\ & & & & &(2)&(0.2)&&& \\ Lk H$\alpha$ 25&B8&3.0&800&12.75&108& 0.76&1.5/$1200$&0.76&$<$ 1.5/$1200$ \\ & & & & &(9)&(0.06)&&& \\ AS 310 &B2+B5&3.9 &2500&12.49&1000&0.76&1.4/$3500$&130&$>$ 1.4/$3500$ \\ & & & & &(80)&(0.23)&&& \\ 3.29 $\mu$m feature \\ in reflection nebula \\ \\ HD 200775 &B3&1.8& 440& 7.36&$<$76&$<$22&6.0/$2600$&270&$>$28.0/$12000$ \\ \\ Possible 3.29 $\mu$m feature \\ \\ HK Ori &A4&1.5 & 460&11.66& 41& 0.87&1.4/$640$&0.87&(70) \\ & & & &&(16)&(0.45)&&& \\ HD 245185 &A2&0.1 & 400& 9.90& 43& 0.35&1.4/$560$&0.35&(110) \\ & & & &&(17)&(0.18)&&& \\ No 3.29 $\mu$m feature \\ detected but IRAS LRS 7.7 \\ and 11.3 $\mu$m features \\ \\ Lk H$\alpha$ 215&B5&2.1&800&10.36&$<$85&$<$ 3.1&1.4/$1100$&$>$26&(4000) \\ MWC 1080 &B0 &5.3&2500&11.68&$<$ 4 &$<$ 1.4&1.4/$3500$&$>$24&(61000) \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \vfill\eject \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lccccccccc} \hline & & & & & & & & & \\ &Spectral&A$_V$& d & V &$W_{3.29}$&$F_{3.29}$(obs)&$R_{ap}$&$F_{3.29}$(tot)&$R_{ext}$ \\ &Type&&&&&&&& \\ &&&(pc)&&(\AA)&($10^{-15}$ Wm$^{-2}$)&($^{\prime\prime}$/AU)&($10^{-15}$ Wm$^{-2}$)&($^{\prime\prime}$/AU) \\ \\ &(1)&(2)&(3)&(4)&(5)&(6)&(7)&(8)&(9) \\ \\ \hline & & & & & & & & & \\ No 3 $\mu$m spectra \\ but IRAS LRS 7.7 and \\ 11.3 $\mu$m features \\ \\ MWC 137 &B0&4.5&1300&11.84&---&---&---&$>$45&(61000) \\ RCW 34 &O8.5&4.2&2900&11.81&---&---&---&$>$48&(92000) \\ \\ No 3.29 $\mu$m feature \\ detected (this work) \\ \\ LkH$\alpha$ 198 &B8 &4.4&600&14.32&$<$16&$<$ 1.5&1.4/$840$&$<$ 1.5&(900) \\ BD+61154&B8&2.2& 650&10.38&$<$12&$<$ 0.9&1.4/$910$&$<$ 0.9&(900) \\ AB Aur &A0&0.4& 160& 7.07&$<$20&$<$10.8&1.4/$220$&$<$10.8&(190) \\ T Ori &A3&1.1& 460&10.35&$<$27&$<$ 1.5&1.4/$640$&$<$ 1.5&(88) \\ V380 Ori &A1&1.5& 460&10.37&$<$12&$<$ 1.0&1.4/$640$&$<$ 1.0&(150) \\ HD 250550&B9&0.3& 700& 9.54&$<$26&$<$ 1.2&1.4/$980$&$<$ 1.2&(410) \\ Lk H$\alpha$ 208&B7 &1.7&1000&11.62&$<$49&$<$ 0.3&1.4/$1400$&$<$ 0.3&(1600) \\ R Mon &B6&4.4& 800&12.80&$<$22&$<$ 6.6&1.4/$1100$&---&(2400) \\ HD 150193&A2&1.5& 160& 8.80&$<$ 8&$<$ 0.8&1.4/$220$&$<$ 0.8&(110) \\ HD 163296&A0&0.3& 160& 6.83&$<$ 8&$<$ 2.0&1.4/$220$&$<$ 2.0&(190) \\ Lk H$\alpha$ 118&B5&3.3 &1900&11.13&$<$91&$<$ 0.7&1.4/$2700$&---&(4000) \\ VV Ser &B9&3.0 & 440&11.87&$<$ 7&$<$ 0.5&1.4/$620$&$<$ 0.5&(410) \\ WW Vul &A3&0.9& 700&10.62&$<$44&$<$ 0.9&1.4/$980$&$<$ 0.9&(88) \\ V1685 Cyg&B2&3.0&1000&10.54&$<$20&$<$ 2.0&1.4/$1400$&---&(21000) \\ V1686 Cyg&B5&4.8&1000&12.90&$<$15&$<$ 1.8&1.4/$1400$&---&(4000) \\ BD+463471&A0&1.0&900& 8.21&$<$20&$<$ 1.0&1.4/$1300$&$<$ 1.0&(190) \\ Lk H$\alpha$ 233&A7&2.2&880&13.56&$<$20&$<$ 0.4&1.4/$1200$&$<$ 0.4&(320) \\ \\ \\ \hline\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document}