Brooke, et al., 1993, AJ, 106, 656 1) Separated mail header, table description, and table data. 2) LaTeX files edited to remove "10pt" from \documentstyle command -- not needed as 10pt is default type size and LaTeX complained about it. 3) Converted LaTeX to ASCII with following commands: $ latex table2a $ latex table2b $ dvi2tty -w90 -otable2b.dat table2b $ dvi2tty -w90 -otable2b.dat table2b 4) The resulting ASCII files were edited to align columns. The two parts (TABLE2A.DAT and TABLE2B.DAT) were recombined into a single file. 5) Generated TABLE2.DOC, incorporating notes found in TABLE2B.TEX and standardizing table description. 6) Generated ABSTRACT.DOC, title and abstract from the paper. ----- For AAS CD-ROM Volume IV ----- 1) Converted TABLE2.DOC to CDS-style TABLE.DOC.