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\unskip&########\tabskip=0pt&########\cr} \tabledelim \edef\body##1{ \vbox{ \tabskip=0pt \offinterlineskip \halign to \twidth {\templ ##1}}} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define Standard Fonts% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \raggedbottom \singlespace \interlinepenalty=100 \font\first=cmssbx10 \font\second=cmbxsl10 scaled\magstep1 \font\third=cmr10 \font\title=cmr10 at 14.40truept \def\normalparindent{30pt} \normalbaselineskip=12.4pt plus 0.1pt minus 0.1pt \abovedisplayskip 12.4pt plus 3pt minus 9pt \belowdisplayskip 12.4pt plus 3pt minus 9pt \abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus 3pt \belowdisplayshortskip 7.2pt plus 3pt minus 4pt \smallskipamount=3.6pt plus1.2pt minus1.2pt \medskipamount=7.2pt plus2.4pt minus2.4pt \bigskipamount=14.4pt plus4.8pt minus4.8pt %%% set pagenumbers %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% TABLE 1 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\mainfont{\rm} \footline={\ifnum\pageno<\firstpageno {\hfil}\else{\hfil\mainfont\folio\hfil}\fi} \singlespace \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \header{TABLE 1.~BV polarimetric observations.} \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $P_V\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_V\pm\epsilon$ & $P_B\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_B\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & (\%) & (deg) & (\%) & (deg) &\end \hline & 93161 & 1832 & 16- ~90 & 2.28$\pm$.14 & 107.4$\pm$1.8 & 2.28$\pm$.17 & 108.0$\pm$2.1 &\end & & 1878 & 16- 115 & 2.22$\pm$.36 &~~91.2$\pm$4.6 & 2.31$\pm$.23 & ~~97.4$\pm$2.9 &\end & & 1874 & 16- 112 & 1.39$\pm$.20 &~~98.6$\pm$4.1 & 1.37$\pm$.19 & ~~95.7$\pm$4.0 &\end & & & 16- 110 & 2.22$\pm$.13 & 100.0$\pm$1.7 & 2.23$\pm$.25 & 103.3$\pm$3.2 &\end & 93160 & 1831 & 16- ~88 & 2.23$\pm$.17 & 112.4$\pm$2.2 & 2.36$\pm$.26 & 113.4$\pm$3.2 &\end &\it93205&\it1849 & & 2.21$\pm$.11 &~~99.0$\pm$1.4 & 1.92$\pm$.14 & ~~97.1$\pm$2.1 &\end & 93162 & 1833 & & 6.54$\pm$.15 & 136.3$\pm$0.7 & 5.73$\pm$.40 & 134.8$\pm$2.0 &\end & 93308 & 1868 &$\eta$ Car & 4.50$\pm$.12 &~~45.3$\pm$0.8 & 4.36$\pm$.18 & ~~45.1$\pm$1.2 &\end &\it303308&\it1869&\it16- 108 & 3.10$\pm$.12 &~~99.3$\pm$1.1 & 2.69$\pm$.13 & ~~98.8$\pm$1.3 &\end & 93250 & 1859 & 16- 101 & 2.10$\pm$.06 & 115.0$\pm$0.8 & 1.94$\pm$.07 & 114.2$\pm$1.0 &\end &\it303311&\it1851&\it16- ~98 & 2.27$\pm$.15 & 106.2$\pm$1.9 & 1.82$\pm$.13 & 109.0$\pm$2.0 &\end & & 1856 & 16- 100 & 3.48$\pm$.12 & 106.3$\pm$1.0 & 3.48$\pm$.11 & 105.4$\pm$0.9 &\end & &\it1861 &\it16- 104 & 1.97$\pm$.13 & 105.2$\pm$1.8 & 1.59$\pm$.19 & 108.3$\pm$3.4 &\end & 93129 & 1819 & & 1.93$\pm$.07 & 111.2$\pm$1.0 & 1.93$\pm$.07 & 111.1$\pm$1.1 &\end & & 1808 & 14- ~30 & 2.86$\pm$.34 & 129.6$\pm$3.4 & 2.96$\pm$.23 & 125.1$\pm$2.2 &\end & 303316 & 1800 & & 3.31$\pm$.42 & 124.9$\pm$3.6 & 2.75$\pm$.15 & 123.3$\pm$1.6 &\end &\it93204&\it1847 & & 2.08$\pm$.18 &~~96.8$\pm$2.5 & 2.23$\pm$.17 & ~~92.3$\pm$2.2 &\end & 93343 & & & 2.95$\pm$.40 &~~88.5$\pm$3.9 & 2.86$\pm$.39 & ~~87.6$\pm$3.9 &\end & 93128 & 1819 & & 2.49$\pm$.19 & 111.5$\pm$2.2 & 2.05$\pm$.19 & 107.7$\pm$2.7 &\end &\it93249&\it1857 &\it15- ~~1 & 2.32$\pm$.17 & 116.7$\pm$2.1 & 2.39$\pm$.19 & 113.0$\pm$2.3 &\end & 93403 & 1881 & & 2.31$\pm$.13 & 105.1$\pm$1.6 & 2.02$\pm$.13 & 104.8$\pm$1.8 &\end & 93420 & & BO Car & 1.50$\pm$.13 & 121.1$\pm$2.5 & 1.59$\pm$.22 & 117.5$\pm$4.0 &\end & RT Car & & 15- ~16 & 2.26$\pm$.11 & 112.7$\pm$1.4 & 3.23$\pm$.38 & 113.8$\pm$3.4 &\end & &\it1871 &\it16- ~~1 & 1.45$\pm$.25 &~~97.4$\pm$4.9 & 2.67$\pm$.31 & ~~97.0$\pm$3.3 &\end & & & 16- ~~9 & 3.42$\pm$.24 &~~96.4$\pm$2.0 & 3.84$\pm$.34 & ~~94.9$\pm$2.5 &\end & & 1844 & 16- ~10 & 3.49$\pm$.29 &~~99.0$\pm$2.4 & 3.33$\pm$.28 & ~~98.6$\pm$2.4 &\end & & &\it16- ~20 & 1.95$\pm$.35 & 117.8$\pm$5.1 & 2.18$\pm$.44 & 113.4$\pm$5.8 &\end & & & 16- ~21 & 5.80$\pm$.37 & 105.9$\pm$1.8 & 5.47$\pm$.52 & 105.3$\pm$2.7 &\end & & 1872 & 16- ~34 & 1.39$\pm$.22 &~~97.5$\pm$4.5 & 1.71$\pm$.40 & 102.1$\pm$6.7 &\end & & 1823 & 14- ~~8 & 1.78$\pm$.28 & 121.8$\pm$4.5 & 1.78$\pm$.25 & 111.7$\pm$4.0 &\end & & 1814 & 14- ~20 & 2.51$\pm$.30 & 116.4$\pm$3.4 & 2.22$\pm$.32 & 117.5$\pm$4.1 &\end &303312 & 1807 & & 2.23$\pm$.37 & 122.5$\pm$4.8 & 3.61$\pm$.37 & 104.3$\pm$2.9 &\end & & 1827 & & 3.33$\pm$.60 &~~89.1$\pm$5.2 & 3.24$\pm$.28 & ~~86.2$\pm$2.5 &\end & 92740 & 1761 & & 1.87$\pm$.09 & 101.8$\pm$1.4 & 1.72$\pm$.08 & 105.0$\pm$1.3 &\end &\it92741&\it1758 & & 2.00$\pm$.13 & 121.3$\pm$1.9 & 1.58$\pm$.12 & 122.4$\pm$2.2 &\end & 92877 & & & 1.61$\pm$.17 & 110.1$\pm$3.0 & 1.77$\pm$.16 & 114.6$\pm$2.6 &\end &\it93027&\it1804 &\it C- ~14 & 1.20$\pm$.17 & 119.7$\pm$4.1 & 1.45$\pm$.26 & 120.8$\pm$5.1 &\end &\it93028&\it1803 &\it C- ~27 & 1.56$\pm$.17 & 111.2$\pm$3.1 & 1.18$\pm$.17 & 117.5$\pm$4.1 &\end &\it93056&\it1806 &\it C- ~13 & 1.81$\pm$.21 & 110.1$\pm$3.3 & 2.15$\pm$.20 & 123.9$\pm$2.7 &\end &\it93146&\it1826 &\it C- ~65 & 1.66$\pm$.18 & 119.0$\pm$3.1 & 1.70$\pm$.18 & 121.3$\pm$3.0 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $P_V\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_V\pm\epsilon$ & $P_B\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_B\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & (\%) & (deg) & (\%) & (deg) &\end \hline & 93421 & & C- ~88 & 0.34$\pm$.32 & 123.6$\pm$27.3 & 0.26$\pm$.18 & 130.6$\pm$19.6 &\end &\it93501& &\it C- ~96 & 1.31$\pm$.22 & 123.6$\pm$4.8 & 1.22$\pm$.31 & 121.3$\pm$7.3 &\end & 93576 & 1901 & C- ~93 & 1.86$\pm$.20 & 123.1$\pm$3.1 & 2.17$\pm$.23 & 123.5$\pm$3.0 &\end &\it305438&\it1791&\it C- ~24 & 2.15$\pm$.23 & 103.6$\pm$3.1 & 1.96$\pm$.16 & 107.1$\pm$2.3 &\end & 305524 & 1860 & C- ~~7 & 2.29$\pm$.22 & 100.4$\pm$2.8 & 1.69$\pm$.41 & ~~90.8$\pm$6.9 &\end & 305544 & & C- ~15 & 0.28$\pm$.27 &~51.3$\pm$28.0 & 1.11$\pm$.21 & 149.3$\pm$5.4 &\end & 305518 & 1810 & C- ~22 & 3.31$\pm$.34 &~~98.8$\pm$3.0 & 3.96$\pm$.19 & ~~94.9$\pm$1.4 &\end & 305525 & 1886 & C- ~98 & 2.83$\pm$.31 &~~81.4$\pm$3.1 & 3.85$\pm$.45 & ~~82.9$\pm$3.3 &\end & 93632 & 1907 & C- ~92 & 1.14$\pm$.15 &~~59.4$\pm$3.8 & 0.87$\pm$.10 & ~~62.6$\pm$3.3 &\end & & 1853 & C- ~12 & 2.95$\pm$.31 &~~97.7$\pm$3.0 & 1.87$\pm$.85 & 88.5$\pm$13.0 &\end & 93281 & & C- ~17 & 2.45$\pm$.18 & 108.2$\pm$2.1 & 2.30$\pm$.23 & 110.0$\pm$2.8 &\end & 93130 & 1825 & C- ~~1 & 1.64$\pm$.14 & 102.4$\pm$2.4 & 1.33$\pm$.16 & 105.1$\pm$3.4 &\end &\it93131&\it1817 &\it C- ~~3 & 2.19$\pm$.11 & 116.5$\pm$1.5 & 2.14$\pm$.08 & 116.6$\pm$1.1 &\end & 305523 & 1845 & C- ~32 & 3.04$\pm$.25 & 110.2$\pm$2.4 & 3.25$\pm$.26 & 112.5$\pm$2.3 &\end & & 1865 & C- ~39 & 3.08$\pm$.54 & 112.5$\pm$5.1 & 3.35$\pm$.29 & 121.9$\pm$2.5 &\end & 93206 & 1839 & C- ~33 & 2.56$\pm$.09 & 124.4$\pm$1.0 & 2.37$\pm$.05 & 124.4$\pm$0.6 &\end & 93222 & 1852 & C- ~~6 & 0.87$\pm$.11 & 134.7$\pm$3.6 & 0.95$\pm$.13 & 128.6$\pm$3.9 &\end &\it305536&\it1834&\it C- ~~5 & 1.69$\pm$.34 & 112.1$\pm$5.8 & 1.72$\pm$.26 & 129.8$\pm$4.3 &\end & 305520 & 1830 & C- ~~4 & 1.74$\pm$.16 & 127.7$\pm$2.6 & 1.91$\pm$.22 & 127.3$\pm$3.3 &\end & 93191 & & C- ~~2 & 0.47$\pm$.14 & 132.0$\pm$8.6 & 0.41$\pm$.25 & 18.6$\pm$17.0 &\end & & 1883 & SRN-43 & 5.90$\pm$.48 & 106.5$\pm$2.3 & 5.09$\pm$.48 & 110.8$\pm$2.7 &\end \hline \skip{2pt} \hline } \endtable $$ \centerline{Notes to TABLE 1} \parindent=20mm \item{HD:} Henry Draper. \item{LS:} Luminous Stars (Stephenson \& Sanduleak 1971). \item{$\star$:} Identification from Feinstein, Marraco \& Muzzio (1973), Feinstein, Marraco \& Forte (1976), Feinstein, Fitzgerald \& Moffat (1980), and Feinstein (1982): 14-, 15-, 16- and C- indicate respectively Tr 14, Tr 15, Tr 16 and Collinder 228; SRN- from van den Bergh \& Herbst (1975) \item{$P_V,\theta_V$:} Polarization in percent, equatorial position angle in degrees, in V. \item{$P_B,\theta_B$:} Polarization in percent, equatorial position angle in degrees, in B. \eject %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% TABLE 2 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \header{TABLE 2.~UBVRI polarimetric observations.} \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & & & FO-15 & 0.374 & 2.84$\pm$0.35 & 142.4$\pm$3.5 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.77$\pm$0.14 & 144.6$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.53$\pm$0.09 & 146.5$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.70$\pm$0.09 & 149.8$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 3.84$\pm$0.10 & 151.0$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & & & &\end & 305518 & 1810 & C- 22 & 0.374 & 3.20$\pm$0.14 & 102.6$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 3.40$\pm$0.06 & 101.9$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.65$\pm$0.18 & 103.1$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.25$\pm$0.04 & 101.8$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 3.23$\pm$0.10 & 100.8$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1856 & 16-100 & 0.374 & 2.86$\pm$0.15 & 105.6$\pm$1.5 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 3.31$\pm$0.13 & 104.3$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.66$\pm$0.10 & 107.4$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.70$\pm$0.13 & 107.4$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 3.55$\pm$0.14 & 104.9$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 16-244 & 0.374 & 5.73$\pm$0.20 & 159.3$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 7.01$\pm$0.15 & 165.0$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 8.47$\pm$0.08 & 166.8$\pm$0.3 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 8.44$\pm$0.06 & 168.7$\pm$0.2 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 8.72$\pm$0.06 & 170.0$\pm$0.2 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 16- 21 & 0.374 & 4.86$\pm$0.15 & 113.7$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 5.39$\pm$0.15 & 114.6$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 6.16$\pm$0.08 & 108.0$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 5.85$\pm$0.07 & 114.9$\pm$0.3 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 5.84$\pm$0.10 & 115.3$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & \it16- 49 & 0.374 & 2.93$\pm$0.71 & 113.6$\pm$6.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.64$\pm$0.18 & 111.4$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.80$\pm$0.18 & 111.9$\pm$1.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.01$\pm$0.17 & 114.0$\pm$1.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.74$\pm$0.24 & 118.4$\pm$2.5 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1853 & C- 12 & 0.374 & 1.63$\pm$0.15 &~~95.9$\pm$2.6 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.14$\pm$0.06 &~~96.6$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.18$\pm$0.05 &~~95.2$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.09$\pm$0.03 &~~92.2$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.05$\pm$0.06 &~~91.5$\pm$0.8 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & 305525 & 1886 & C- 98 & 0.374 & 2.57$\pm$0.12 &~~86.4$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.85$\pm$0.09 &~~84.5$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.81$\pm$0.06 &~~82.4$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.57$\pm$0.03 &~~81.7$\pm$0.3 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.47$\pm$0.05 &~~80.9$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & \it93501& & \it C- 96 & 0.374 & 1.37$\pm$0.06 & 117.6$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.36$\pm$0.05 & 118.2$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.37$\pm$0.04 & 119.7$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.36$\pm$0.05 & 120.8$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.20$\pm$0.05 & 121.4$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & & & &\end & 93632 & 1907 & C- 92 & 0.374 & 0.59$\pm$0.04 &~~64.0$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.77$\pm$0.02 &~~63.0$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.06$\pm$0.03 &~~58.0$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.12$\pm$0.05 &~~58.5$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.34$\pm$0.03 &~~51.6$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1814 & 14- 20 & 0.374 & 2.21$\pm$0.10 & 115.5$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.39$\pm$0.05 & 115.6$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.38$\pm$0.05 & 115.8$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.07$\pm$0.04 & 116.9$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.10$\pm$0.05 & 116.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1808 & 14- 30 & 0.374 & 2.34$\pm$0.16 & 124.1$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.97$\pm$0.07 & 126.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.12$\pm$0.06 & 127.8$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.74$\pm$0.05 & 129.9$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.97$\pm$0.06 & 131.0$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & \it14- 15 & 0.374 & 1.52$\pm$0.22 & 112.0$\pm$4.1 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.52$\pm$0.14 & 113.3$\pm$2.6 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.93$\pm$0.13 & 110.2$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.65$\pm$0.09 & 110.8$\pm$1.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.67$\pm$0.14 & 106.5$\pm$2.4 &\end & & & & & & &\end & RT Car & & 15- 16 & 0.374 & 2.29$\pm$0.48 & 138.5$\pm$6.0 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.54$\pm$0.09 & 123.8$\pm$1.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.70$\pm$0.04 & 118.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.04$\pm$0.06 & 115.0$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.16$\pm$0.05 & 114.6$\pm$0.7 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & & & 15- 15 & 0.374 & 2.68$\pm$0.13 & 114.0$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 3.01$\pm$0.07 & 113.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.17$\pm$0.06 & 114.1$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.88$\pm$0.05 & 117.9$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.88$\pm$0.11 & 118.7$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 14 & 0.374 & 2.62$\pm$0.11 & 111.0$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 3.09$\pm$0.08 & 111.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.48$\pm$0.05 & 113.1$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.16$\pm$0.07 & 114.3$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 3.05$\pm$0.09 & 114.2$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 13 & 0.374 & 2.58$\pm$0.15 & 114.2$\pm$1.7 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.85$\pm$0.07 & 111.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.04$\pm$0.07 & 113.4$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.88$\pm$0.07 & 115.8$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.84$\pm$0.13 & 114.4$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 7 & 0.374 & 2.25$\pm$0.12 & 115.3$\pm$1.5 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.60$\pm$0.08 & 114.9$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.82$\pm$0.07 & 116.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.80$\pm$0.06 & 117.5$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.77$\pm$0.11 & 116.8$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 2 & 0.374 & 2.06$\pm$0.10 & 118.2$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.23$\pm$0.06 & 115.7$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.31$\pm$0.05 & 118.1$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.18$\pm$0.04 & 120.7$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.12$\pm$0.09 & 119.3$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & \it15- 26 & 0.374 & 2.04$\pm$0.12 & 111.7$\pm$1.7 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.48$\pm$0.06 & 111.5$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.52$\pm$0.09 & 111.3$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.30$\pm$0.04 & 114.8$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.14$\pm$0.08 & 116.3$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 23 & 0.443 & 2.03$\pm$0.08 & 113.1$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.53$\pm$0.12 & 112.5$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.21$\pm$0.07 & 118.0$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.16$\pm$0.08 & 115.5$\pm$1.1 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & & & \it15- 3 & 0.374 & 2.09$\pm$0.16 & 116.4$\pm$2.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.30$\pm$0.07 & 115.4$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.49$\pm$0.07 & 115.2$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.26$\pm$0.04 & 119.7$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.29$\pm$0.07 & 118.0$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end &\it93249 &\it1857&\it15- 1 & 0.374 & 1.90$\pm$0.05 & 115.8$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.96$\pm$0.05 & 114.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.08$\pm$0.05 & 116.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.26$\pm$0.03 & 119.4$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.95$\pm$0.04 & 118.3$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & \it15- 4 & 0.374 & 2.04$\pm$0.32 & 116.8$\pm$4.5 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.37$\pm$0.08 & 112.8$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.65$\pm$0.08 & 113.5$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.41$\pm$0.06 & 116.1$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.30$\pm$0.11 & 116.1$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 5 & 0.443 & 2.88$\pm$0.11 & 119.3$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.89$\pm$0.10 & 120.7$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.92$\pm$0.07 & 121.2$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.92$\pm$0.12 & 116.6$\pm$1.2 &\end \hline \skip{2pt} \hline } \endtable $$ \centerline{Notes to TABLE 2} \parindent=7mm \item{HD:} Henry Draper. \item{LS:} Luminous Stars (Stephenson \& Sanduleak 1971). \item{$\star$:} Identification from Feinstein, Marraco \& Muzzio (1973), Feinstein, Marraco \& Forte (1976), Feinstein, Fitzgerald \& Moffat (1980), and Feinstein (1982): 14-, 15-, 16- and C- indicate respectively Tr 14, Tr 15, Tr 16 and Collinder 228; FO- from Forte \& Orsatti (1981). \item{$\lambda$:} Wavelength in $\mu$m. \item{$P_\lambda,\theta_\lambda$:} Polarization in percent, equatorial position angle in degrees, at $\lambda$. \eject %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% TABLE 5 %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \nopagenumbers $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \header{TABLE 5.~UBVRI intracluster polarization.} \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & & & FO- 15 & 0.374 & 2.37$\pm$0.35 & 157.5$\pm$4.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.44$\pm$0.14 & 162.3$\pm$1.6 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 3.20$\pm$0.09 & 161.0$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 3.54$\pm$0.09 & 163.0$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 3.71$\pm$0.10 & 162.4$\pm$0.8 &\end & & & & & & &\end & 305518 & 1810 & C- 22 & 0.374 & 1.79$\pm$0.14 & ~~92.9$\pm$2.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.85$\pm$0.06 & ~~90.6$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.95$\pm$0.18 & ~~92.9$\pm$2.6 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.69$\pm$0.04 & ~~88.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.84$\pm$0.10 & ~~89.4$\pm$1.5 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1856 & 16-100 & 0.374 & 1.44$\pm$0.15 & ~~97.0$\pm$3.0 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.74$\pm$0.13 & ~~95.0$\pm$2.1 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.89$\pm$0.10 & 101.3$\pm$1.5 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.99$\pm$0.13 & 101.8$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.07$\pm$0.14 & ~~98.1$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 16-244 & 0.374 & 6.03$\pm$0.20 & 167.2$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 7.68$\pm$0.15 & 171.8$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 9.26$\pm$0.08 & 172.7$\pm$0.2 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 9.31$\pm$0.06 & 174.2$\pm$0.2 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 9.55$\pm$0.06 & 174.7$\pm$0.2 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 16- 21 & 0.374 & 3.31$\pm$0.15 & 113.7$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 3.64$\pm$0.15 & 115.1$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 4.35$\pm$0.08 & 105.6$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 4.06$\pm$0.07 & 115.5$\pm$0.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 4.23$\pm$0.10 & 115.9$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1853 & C- 12 & 0.374 & 0.98$\pm$0.15 & ~~64.9$\pm$4.4 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.24$\pm$0.06 & ~~71.6$\pm$1.4 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.34$\pm$0.05 & ~~68.5$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.46$\pm$0.03 & ~~65.7$\pm$0.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.46$\pm$0.06 & ~~67.6$\pm$1.2 &\end & & & & & & &\end & 305525 & 1886 & C- 98 & 0.374 & 2.14$\pm$0.12 & ~~70.6$\pm$1.6 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 2.47$\pm$0.09 & ~~68.4$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.56$\pm$0.06 & ~~65.0$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.39$\pm$0.03 & ~~63.5$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.32$\pm$0.05 & ~~63.9$\pm$0.6 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & 93632 & 1907 & C- 92 & 0.374 & 1.34$\pm$0.04 & ~~39.8$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.61$\pm$0.02 & ~~40.9$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 2.00$\pm$0.03 & ~~41.2$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 2.00$\pm$0.05 & ~~42.3$\pm$0.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 2.22$\pm$0.03 & ~~40.8$\pm$0.4 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1814 & 14- 20 & 0.374 & 0.45$\pm$0.10 & 129.3$\pm$6.3 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.42$\pm$0.05 & 133.2$\pm$3.4 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.34$\pm$0.05 & 142.3$\pm$4.2 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.34$\pm$0.04 & 162.7$\pm$3.4 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.38$\pm$0.05 & 144.0$\pm$3.7 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1808 & 14- 30 & 0.374 & 0.99$\pm$0.16 & 147.8$\pm$4.6 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 1.49$\pm$0.07 & 146.0$\pm$1.3 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.68$\pm$0.06 & 148.9$\pm$1.0 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.58$\pm$0.05 & 154.9$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.86$\pm$0.06 & 150.2$\pm$0.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 16 & 0.374 & 1.89$\pm$0.48 & 164.0$\pm$7.2 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.91$\pm$0.09 & 180.5$\pm$2.8 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.66$\pm$0.04 & 185.1$\pm$1.7 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.24$\pm$0.06 & 168.9$\pm$7.1 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.31$\pm$0.05 & 132.6$\pm$4.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & 1855 & 15- 15 & 0.374 & 0.84$\pm$0.13 & 119.1$\pm$4.4 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.92$\pm$0.07 & 118.9$\pm$2.2 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.96$\pm$0.06 & 119.7$\pm$1.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.90$\pm$0.05 & 133.3$\pm$1.6 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.10$\pm$0.11 & 131.4$\pm$2.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 14 & 0.374 & 0.76$\pm$0.11 & 109.3$\pm$4.1 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.98$\pm$0.08 & 109.8$\pm$2.3 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 1.25$\pm$0.05 & 115.6$\pm$1.1 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 1.03$\pm$0.07 & 119.8$\pm$1.9 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 1.12$\pm$0.09 & 118.5$\pm$2.3 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 13 & 0.374 & 0.74$\pm$0.15 & 120.5$\pm$5.8 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.74$\pm$0.07 & 112.5$\pm$2.7 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.82$\pm$0.07 & 118.1$\pm$2.4 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.81$\pm$0.07 & 127.0$\pm$2.5 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.92$\pm$0.13 & 120.1$\pm$4.0 &\end \hline } \endtable $$ \eject $$ \table \tablespec{\c\c\c\c\c\c} \body{ \skip{5pt} \hline \skip{2pt} \hline & HD & LS &$\star$ & $\lambda$ & $P_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ & $\theta_{\lambda}\pm\epsilon$ &\end & & & & ($\mu$m) & ($\%$) & (deg) &\end \hline & & & 15- 7 & 0.374 & 0.46$\pm$0.12 & 130.7$\pm$7.4 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.55$\pm$0.08 & 127.6$\pm$4.1 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.69$\pm$0.07 & 131.1$\pm$2.9 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.81$\pm$0.06 & 133.8$\pm$2.1 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.91$\pm$0.11 & 127.9$\pm$3.4 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 2 & 0.374 & 0.48$\pm$0.10 & 148.5$\pm$5.9 &\end & & & & 0.443 & 0.32$\pm$0.06 & 148.4$\pm$5.3 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.51$\pm$0.05 & 156.5$\pm$2.8 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.68$\pm$0.04 & 160.6$\pm$1.7 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.56$\pm$0.09 & 152.0$\pm$4.6 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 23 & 0.443 & 0.17$\pm$0.08 & 182.6$\pm$3.4 &\end & & & & 0.563 & 0.24$\pm$0.12 & 121.2$\pm$4.2 &\end & & & & 0.670 & 0.49$\pm$0.07 & 160.0$\pm$4.1 &\end & & & & 0.792 & 0.33$\pm$0.08 & 143.6$\pm$6.9 &\end & & & & & & &\end & & & 15- 5 & 0.443 & 0.99$\pm$0.11 & 136.5$\pm$3.2 \end & & & & 0.563 & 1.01$\pm$0.10 & 142.6$\pm$2.8 \end & & & & 0.670 & 1.11$\pm$0.07 & 141.1$\pm$1.8 \end & & & & 0.792 & 1.03$\pm$0.12 & 126.1$\pm$3.3 \end \hline \skip{2pt} \hline } \endtable $$ \centerline{Notes to TABLE 5} \item{HD:} Henry Draper. \item{LS:} Luminous Stars (Stephenson \& Sanduleak 1971). \item{$\star$:} Identification as in Tables 1, 2, and 3. \item{$\lambda$:} Wwavelength in $\mu$m. \item{$P_\lambda,\theta_\lambda$:} Polarization in percent, equatorial position angle in degrees, at $\lambda$. \bye